Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13, 2014

Well to start out this email I would love to share with everyone a little information. My numbers weren't the best this week. We didn't have as much success as I would have hoped for. We didn't teach a bunch of lessons. But we did have this; we taught a few people how to pray, how to develop a relationship with our Father in Heaven. We got rejected a lot this week, but the thing is, we are out here doing two hard things planting the seed and reaping. Sometimes those things are one in the same and sometimes we just have to plant. But, regardless of the outcome my comp and I are putting in a whole lot of work. Who knows maybe the people we are planting the seed in will be a super sweet baptism for the next Elders that come along! 

I know I have a bunch of time left in this country but, haha I could swear that I am in China, all we eat it rice, rice and more rice!!!!It’s kind of a joke! Hopefully I will find a love somewhere in my body for more rice because if I don't I'm screwed!!
I love the members in this area, changes are next Wednesday and I do not want to leave!!!!! It is so awesome to hang out with them and teach people with them! I have found a new love for these people. I have realized that I love to do stuff for people here.  We will be walking down the road and we'll stop and my comp will talk to them while I wash their clothes or their dishes. I can't count how many times someone is just doing some type of chore or work and my comp and I  go up and without any fear just grab it from them and say let me help you. I have never looked at anyone in my life like I look at these people. I tear up when I hear one of them testify because I know they get it. I guess that's what I'm out here doing, trying to help people get it. 
I tear up when the people we have taught go to church. 
I do something that the members say no other Elder has done before; I make a point to talk to every person that comes to church every Sunday. Before the meeting starts I shake every ones hand and I look in their eyes and see something. Its different then just normal brown eyes, on Sunday morning I look into their eyes and they're twinkling. They look different; I’m not making this up. It’s like they are smiling with their eyes. Now for these people that don't wake up till nine or ten every day nine o clock church is super early for them, but, I can just tell in their eyes before the meeting starts that they know it was worth it!
Well I know this feeling they are having because I get it every day. I try to take a minute to look myself in the eyes before I leave to go help people, and I just see a smile and know that it’s worth it. Everything good is worth it.          

 Doing what is right is worthwhile.
Figure out what’s worth it. 
Wickedness never was happiness. 

When you find that same look in your eyes is a great feeling. Hopefully everyone takes my advice and uses it. I know there are people reading this and thinking wow that was a great letter. Well thanks? But, do something about it!!!! I know for a fact that anyone who is reading this letter can get down on their knees tonight and pray. They can find hope, happiness, more faith, and a resolution for a problem, a new twinkle in your eye, forgiveness, and much more. 
He suffered for a lot more than just the sins of the world and we need to realize that there truly is only one person that can fix us….
My testimony is gigantic but my words are tiny.  It’s like 11 or 12 point font.
I found a new love for myself and I have direction in my life. 

Satan can’t take testimonies only hide them, don't let him.
Read the book of Mormon.
Pray and act with faith.

If you really know me than you know that I wasn't like this before the mission. I rarely talked and expressed my true feelings. Well, now I can’t shut up because I guess I have found something worth talking about! 
Thanks for reading.
It jumps around a lot but, haha whatever deal with it!
With love,
Happy p-day
Elder Hansgen


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